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Rules and Regulations

Although we would wish to keep the rules to a minimum, as you will appreciate some rules are necessary for the smooth running and safety of the Group and overall benefit of all members.

  1. The training year shall consist of 3 terms of 10/12 weeks.

  2. It is our assumption and your responsibility to ensure that you are fully abiding by all relevant National and Local Dog Law including ID tagging and micro-chipping your dog.

  3. Oving Dog Training cannot accept responsibility for any loss, injury or damage to person or property at any location we use for dog training including public areas.

  4. Oving Dog Training takes all reasonable precautions within the structure of our classes to avoid injury resulting from dog bites occurring to clients or their dogs whilst in a training situation. The Control of Dogs Act, Liability of Owner for damage by Dogs applies within any training location.

  5. The fees will be per term, at rates to be decided by the Instructors. Tuition fees are not refundable where the Handler has failed to attend classes for which they have paid.

  6. Prospective Handlers may have one trial class, but must then pay in full for the term. Behavioural and management consultations will not necessarily be available until the term fee is paid.

  7. Puppies will be accepted at any time during the term following their final vaccination, or on veterinary advice. Handlers are encouraged to observe classes prior to this time.

  8. Handlers in other classes, enrolling after the first week will be accepted at the discretion of the class Instructor and the full term fee may be payable.

  9. Up to date vaccination certificates or proof of vaccination must be presented.

  10. Handlers must exercise their dogs BEFORE entering the grounds, car park or premises of the Oving Jubilee Hall.

  11. All handlers must carry some form of poop scoop. In the event of fouling the handler must pick up the faeces and later take them home for disposal. Male dogs are not to be allowed to urinate on the hall building either inside or outside. Any handler seen to fail to remove their dog faeces will not longer be accepted into any class and will forfeit the balance of the tuition fees.

  12. Dogs over six months of age are automatically entered into the Starter Class unless otherwise agreed..

  13. Progress to higher classes is both at the Instructors discretion and dog and handler’s success at a test.

  14. Dogs are ONLY allowed in the entrance foyer and main hall excepting emergencies. All handlers and observers must make themselves aware of the emergency exits.

  15. Dogs are to remain on the lead at all times unless under instruction. If the Instructor deems it appropriate to include ‘off-lead’ work in the training session you must inform the Instructor immediately if there is any reason why the dog should remain on lead.

  16. Oving Dog Training have a ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY. This means that rude, aggressive or violent behaviour towards our Instructors, Assistants or Handlers, or any member of the public within our environs will not be tolerated and the offenders will be asked to leave immediately. Any remaining balance of Training Fees will be forfeited.

  17. At Oving Dog Training all our methods are reward based. We will help and encourage handlers to adopt this approach with their dogs. Handlers who handle their dogs harshly and do not accept the reward based approach to training may be asked to leave the club.

  18. Bitches in season and any dog suffering from any illness are not permitted to attend training nights. Handlers are welcome to observe.

  19. Materials for cleaning up accidental soiling will be available and it is the handlers responsibility to use them and leave the area as clean and dry as possible.

  20. All funds received for training classes, goods sold and miscellaneous items will be the property of Oving Dog Training Group and will be paid into an account held at Lloyds Bank. All expenses of the group will be paid from this account.

  21. In the event of the group ceasing to exist, disposal of the funds and all assets will be decided by a majority decision of the Founder and Senior Trainers.

  22. Handlers disclosed details will be held within the provision of the General Data Protection Regulations. Members are advised that they are entitled to object to their details being held membership record comprises only, name, address, telephone number, email address, dog and subscription details. The records will remain within the club and will not be given to any outside body unless for statutory purposes.

Oving Dog Training runs on a non-profit making basis and all instructors give their time on a voluntary basis.
Oving Dog Training believes in and is committed to continued professional development
Oving Dog Training provide a demonstration team for local events. Contact us for more details.
Dog jumping, Oving Dog Training
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